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Dusk-Dry Dusk
Currently: 3.8, Min: 10.8, Max: 16.2
3,8°C  rising


Feels like: 2°C
Inside: 24,6°C
  High Low
Today: 16,2°C (21:27) 10,8°C (05:23)
Yesterday: 18,4°C (14:59) 0,4°C (05:00)
Month: 18,4°C (13-05) 8,6°C (13-05)
Year: 18,4°C (13-05) -5,8°C (31-03)
Last year: -999,0°C (01:00) 999,0°C (01:00)
Station record: 23,3°C (2019) 7,1°C (2016)


Rain Today:0,0 mm

Rain Rate/hr:0,0 mm

Yesterday:0,0 mm

This Month:40,4 mm

Season Total:154,8 mm

1 days with rain this month 


Wind from NNE

Wind from NNE
11,1 km/h

2 Bft
Light breeze

6,5 km/h

Gust today:
37,1 km/h at 07:54


Sun:   sunrise  07:45 sunset  17:03

Daylight hh:mm 9:18 (+ 4 minutes)

Moon:  moonrise  01:11 moonset  06:38

Waning Gibbous,  82% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: rising 76%

Dew Point: rising 0,0°C

Barometer: rising 1022,7 hPa

Trend: Rising Rapidly

Solar Radiation

0 W/m2 (0%)

High: 0 @  none

UV Index Forecast more information

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Live Data from Weather-Underground. more information

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Precipitation radars  more information





Precipitation information


lightning information


Clouds information

  Precipitation  radar   lightning  radar   Clouds  radar  

UV Index Forecast 

The UV Index Forecast is currently not available

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