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../tagsWD.txt - dated: 19-05-2022 21:43

    1 | |pagename|tags.wd.txt|!     
    2 | |version|3.20 2015-10-12 09:00:00|!
    3 | |datetime|20220519214100|
    4 | 
    5 | |date|2022 05 19|!
    6 | |time|21 41 00|!
    7 | 
    8 | |wdCurCond|Dusk/Dry|!
    9 | |wdCurIcon|1|!
   10 | 
   11 | |fromtemp|C|!   //  = 'C', 'F',  (or  '∞C', '∞F', or '°C', '°F' )
   12 | 
   13 | |tempAct|16.1°C|!
   14 | |tempDelta|+3.9|!
   15 | 
   16 | |tempMinToday|10.8°C|!
   17 | |tempMinTodayTime|05:23|!
   18 | |tempMinYday|0.4 °C|!
   19 | |tempMinYdayTime|05:00|!
   20 | |tempMinMonth|8.6|!
   21 | |tempMinMonthTime|2022 5 13|!
   22 | |tempMinYear|-5.8|!
   23 | |tempMinYearTime|2022 3 31|!
   24 | |tempMinAll|-30.0|!
   25 | |tempMinAllTime|2015 6 28|!
   26 | |tempMinRecordToday|7.1|!             # The minimum temperature reached for this day, from your data records
   27 | |tempMinRecordTodayYear|2016|!     # The year the above reading was reached
   28 | 
   29 | |tempMaxToday|16.2°C|!
   30 | |tempMaxTodayTime|21:27|!
   31 | |tempMaxYday|18.4 °C|!
   32 | |tempMaxYdayTime|14:59|!
   33 | |tempMaxMonth|18.4|!
   34 | |tempMaxMonthTime|2022 5 13|!
   35 | |tempMaxYear|18.4|!
   36 | |tempMaxYearTime|2022 5 13|!
   37 | |tempMaxAll|59.4|!
   38 | |tempMaxAllTime|2010 12 27|!
   39 | |tempMaxRecordToday|23.3|!             # The maximum temperature reached for this day, from your data records
   40 | |tempMaxRecordTodayYear|2019|!     # The year the above reading was reached
   41 | 
   42 | |dewpAct|13.8°C|!
   43 | |dewpDelta|+4.0|!
   44 | 
   45 | |dewpMinToday|8.3 °C|!
   46 | |dewpMinTodayTime|00:57|!
   47 | |dewpMinYday|-0.9 °C|!
   48 | |dewpMinYdayTime|05:00|!
   49 | |dewpMinMonth|6.7|!
   50 | |dewpMinMonthTime|2022 5 12|!
   51 | |dewpMinYear|-10.4|!
   52 | |dewpMinYearTime|2022 3 31|!
   53 | |dewpMinAll|-44.5|!
   54 | |dewpMinAllTime|2006 11 5|!
   55 | 
   56 | |dewpMaxToday|13.9 °C|!
   57 | |dewpMaxTodayTime|21:27|!
   58 | |dewpMaxYday|11.4 °C|!
   59 | |dewpMaxYdayTime|13:14|!
   60 | |dewpMaxMonth|13.9|!
   61 | |dewpMaxMonthTime|2022 5 19|!
   62 | |dewpMaxYear|13.9|!
   63 | |dewpMaxYearTime|2022 5 19|!
   64 | |dewpMaxAll|59.2|!
   65 | |dewpMaxAllTime|2010 12 27|!
   66 | 
   67 | |appTemp|--|!
   68 | 
   69 | |appTempMinToday|--|
   70 | |appTempMinTodayTime|--|
   71 | |appTempMinYday|--|
   72 | |appTempMinYdayTime|--|
   73 | 
   74 | |appTempMaxToday|--|
   75 | |appTempMaxTodayTime|--|
   76 | |appTempMaxYday|--|
   77 | |appTempMaxYdayTime|--|
   78 | 
   79 | |heatAct|16.2°C|!
   80 | |heatDelta|??|!
   81 | 
   82 | |heatMaxToday|16.2 °C|!
   83 | |heatMaxTodayTime|21:27|!
   84 | |heatMaxYday|18.4 °C|!
   85 | |heatMaxYdayTime|14:59|!
   86 | |heatMaxMonth|18.4|!
   87 | |heatMaxMonthTime|2022 5 13|!
   88 | |heatMaxYear|18.4|!
   89 | |heatMaxYearTime|2022 5 13|!
   90 | |heatMaxAll|64.9|!
   91 | |heatMaxAllTime|2010 12 27|!
   92 | 
   93 | |chilAct|16.1°C|!
   94 | |chilDelta|--|!
   95 | 
   96 | |chilMinToday|7.9 °C|!
   97 | |chilMinTodayTime|03:42|!
   98 | |chilMinYday|-1.0 °C|!
   99 | |chilMinYdayTime|05:00|!
  100 | |chilMinMonth|5.9|!
  101 | |chilMinMonthTime|2022 5 13|!
  102 | |chilMinYear|-7.9|!
  103 | |chilMinYearTime|2022 1 6|!
  104 | |chilMinAll|-37.6|!
  105 | |chilMinAllTime|2016 10 4|!
  106 | 
  107 | |chilMaxToday|16.2 °C|!
  108 | |chilMaxTodayTime|21:27|!
  109 | 
  110 | |tempActInside|26.0|!
  111 | |tempActExtra1|-100.0|!
  112 | |tempActExtra2|-100.0|!
  113 | 
  114 | |fromhudx|C|!
  115 | |hudxAct|19.3°C|!
  116 | |hudxDelta|--|!
  117 | |hudxMaxToday|19.5|!
  118 | ------------------------------------------extremetemp------------------------------
  119 | |daysXHigh|0|!
  120 | |daysHigh|0|!
  121 | |daysLow|0|!
  122 | |daysXLow|0|!
  123 | ------------------------------------------pressure/baro-----------------------------
  124 | |frombaro|hPa|!                //  "mb", "hPa", "in"
  125 | 
  126 | |baroAct|1017.5 hPa|!
  127 | |baroDelta|+2.9hPa/hr|!
  128 | |baroTrend|+2.9hPa/hr|!
  129 | 
  130 | |baroMinToday|1013.2 hPa|!
  131 | |baroMinTodayTime|03:55|!
  132 | |baroMinYday|1008.3 hPa|!
  133 | |baroMinYdayTime|10:40|!
  134 | |baroMinMonth|1008.3|!
  135 | |baroMinMonthTime|2022 5 11|!
  136 | |baroMinYear|968.6|!
  137 | |baroMinYearTime|2022 2 17|!
  138 | |baroMinAll|968.6|!
  139 | |baroMinAllTime|2022 2 17|!
  140 | 
  141 | |baroMaxToday|1018.3 hPa|!
  142 | |baroMaxTodayTime|08:50|!
  143 | |baroMaxYday|1029.1 hPa|!
  144 | |baroMaxYdayTime|00:15|!
  145 | |baroMaxMonth|1018.3|!
  146 | |baroMaxMonthTime|2022 5 19|!
  147 | |baroMaxYear|1053.5|!
  148 | |baroMaxYearTime|2022 3 19|!
  149 | |baroMaxAll|1053.5|!
  150 | |baroMaxAllTime|2022 3 19|!
  151 | 
  152 | ------------------------------------------humidity-----------------------------------
  153 | |humiAct|86|!
  154 | 
  155 | |humiDelta|+1|!
  156 | 
  157 | |humiMinToday|74|!
  158 | |humiMinTodayTime|08:48|! 
  159 | |humiMinYday|51|!
  160 | |humiMinYdayTime|17:05|!
  161 | |humiMinMonth|51|!
  162 | |humiMinMonthTime|2022 5 12|!
  163 | |humiMinYear|29|!
  164 | |humiMinYearTime|2022 4 12|!
  165 | |humiMinAll|0|!
  166 | |humiMinAllTime|2007 3 18|!
  167 | 
  168 | |humiMaxToday|89|!
  169 | |humiMaxTodayTime|03:04|!
  170 | |humiMaxYday|95|!
  171 | |humiMaxYdayTime|23:20|!
  172 | |humiMaxMonth|95|!
  173 | |humiMaxMonthTime|2022 5 11|!
  174 | |humiMaxYear|99|!
  175 | |humiMaxYearTime|2022 1 1|!
  176 | |humiMaxAll|99|!
  177 | |humiMaxAllTime|2010 12 26|!
  178 | 
  179 | |humiInAct|35|!
  180 | |humiActExtra1|-100|!
  181 | |humiActExtra2|-100|!
  182 | ------------------------------------------rain---------------------------------------
  183 | |fromrain|mm|!         //  = 'mm', 'in'
  184 | 
  185 | |rainRateAct|0.0|!
  186 | 
  187 | |rainRateMaxToday|0.0|!
  188 | |rainRateMaxYday|0.0|!
  189 | 
  190 | |lastRained|14/5/2022  03:08|!
  191 | 
  192 | |rainHourAct|0.0|!
  193 | |rainHourMaxToday|0.0|!
  194 | |rainHourMaxYday|               ?|!
  195 | 
  196 | |rainToday|  0.2 mm|!
  197 | |rainYday|0.0 mm|!
  198 | |rainWeek|0.6|!
  199 | |rainMonth|40.4 mm|!
  200 | |rainYear|154.8 mm|!
  201 | 
  202 | |rainTodayLow|          ?|!
  203 | |rainYdayLow|           ?|!
  204 | |rainYdayHigh|          ?|! 
  205 | |rainRateYday|          ?|!
  206 | 
  207 | 
  208 | |rainDayMnth|1|!
  209 | |rainDayYear|42|!
  210 | |rainDaysWithNo|0|!
  211 | ------------------------------------------EVAPOTRANSPIRATION--------------------------
  212 | |etToday|0.0|!
  213 | |etYday|0.0|!
  214 | |etMonth|20.3|!
  215 | |etYear|55.7|!
  216 | ------------------------------------------wind---------------------------------------
  217 | |fromwind|m/s|!         //= 'kts','mph','kmh','km/h','m/s','Bft'
  218 | 
  219 | |windAct|0.0 m/s|!
  220 | |gustAct|0.0 m/s|!
  221 | |gustMaxHour|10.3 m/s  W|!
  222 | |windActDsc|NNE|!
  223 | |windActDir|20 °|! 
  224 | 
  225 | |windBeafort|2|!
  226 | 
  227 | |windAvgDir|279°|!
  228 | 
  229 | |gustMaxToday|10.3 m/s|!
  230 | |gustMaxTodayTime|07:54|!
  231 | |gustMaxYday|13.0|!
  232 | |gustMaxYTime|17:24|!
  233 | |gustMaxMonth|13.0|!
  234 | |gustMaxMonthTime|2022 5 13|!
  235 | |gustMaxYear|22.1|!
  236 | |gustMaxYearTime|2022 1 17|!
  237 | |gustMaxAll|31.9|!
  238 | |gustMaxAllTime|2013 3 10|!
  239 | 
  240 | |fromdistance|km|!
  241 | |windrunToday|95.31|!
  242 | |------------------------------------------UV---------------------------------------
  243 | |uvAct|0.0|!
  244 | 
  245 | |uvMaxToday|-1.0|!
  246 | |uvMaxTodayTime||!
  247 | |uvMaxYday|-1.0|!
  248 | |uvMaxYdayTime||!
  249 | |uvMaxMonth|0.0|!
  250 | |uvMaxMonthTime|0 0 0|!
  251 | |uvMaxYear|0.0|!
  252 | |uvMaxYearTime|0 0 0|!
  253 | |uvMaxAll|0.0|!
  254 | |uvMaxAllTime|0 0 0|!
  255 | 
  256 | |------------------------------------------Solar--------------------------------------
  257 | |solarAct|0|!
  258 | |solarActPerc|0|! 
  259 | 
  260 | |solarMaxToday|0|!
  261 | |solarMaxTodayTime|00:01|!
  262 | |solarMaxYday|0.0|!
  263 | |solarMaxYdayTime|00:00|!
  264 | |solarMaxMonth|0.0|!
  265 | |solarMaxMonthTime|2021 8 1|!
  266 | |solarMaxYear|0.0|!
  267 | |solarMaxYearTime|2021 6 19|!
  268 | |solarMaxAll|1782.0|!
  269 | |solarMaxAllTime|2021 6 19|!
  270 | 
  271 | |------------------------------------------cloudheight--------------------------------
  272 | |fromheight|ft|!
  273 | |cloudHeight|1026|!
  274 | |------------------------------------------forecasts-----------------------------------
  275 | |fcstTxt|---|!
  276 | |------------------------------------------moon---------------------------------------
  277 | |moonrise|01:11|!
  278 | |moonset|06:38|!
  279 | |lunarPhasePerc|82%|!
  280 | |lunarAge|Moon age: 18 days,22 hours,15 minutes,82%|!
  281 | |------------------------------------------somemore-----------------------------------
  282 | |wsVersion|10.37S|!
  283 | |wsBuild|138|!
  284 | |wsHardware|                    ?|!
  285 | |wsUptime|0 Days 0 Hours 19 Minutes 18 Seconds|!
  286 | |-------------------------------------- soil
  287 | |soilTempAct|100.0°C#255#255#255|!
  288 | |soilTempMaxToday|-100.0°C#-100.0#-100.0#-100.0|!
  289 | |soilTempMaxMonth|-50.0#-100.0#-100.0#-100.0|!
  290 | |soilTempMaxMonthTime|2004 10 11#2007 5 31#2007 5 31#2007 5 31|
  291 | |soilTempMaxYear|-50.0#-100.0#-100.0#-100.0|!
  292 | |soilTempMaxYearTime|2004 10 11#2007 5 31#2007 5 31#2007 5 31|
  293 | |soilTempMaxAll|-50.0#-100.0#-100.0#-100.0|!
  294 | |soilTempMaxAllTime|2004 10 11#2007 5 31#2007 5 31#2007 5 31|
  295 | |soilTempMinToday|100.0°C#100.0#100.0#100.0|!
  296 | |soilTempMinMonth|100.0#100.0#100.0#100.0|!
  297 | |soilTempMinMonthTime|2004 10 11#2007 5 31#2007 5 31#2007 5 31|!
  298 | |soilTempMinYear|100.0#100.0#100.0#100.0|!
  299 | |soilTempMinYearTime|2004 10 11#2007 5 31#2007 5 31#0 0 0|!
  300 | |soilTempMinAll|100.0#100.0#100.0#100.0|!
  301 | |soilTempMinAllTime|2004 10 11#2007 5 31#2007 5 31#2007 5 31|!
  302 | 
  303 | |soilMoistAct|255.0#255.0#255.0#255.0|!
  304 | |soilMoistMaxToday|-100.0#-100.0#-100.0#-100.0|!
  305 | |soilMoistMaxMonth|100.0#--#--#--|!
  306 | |soilMoistMaxMonthTime|2008 12 31#--#--#--|!
  307 | |soilMoistMaxYear|100.0#--#--#--|!
  308 | |soilMoistMaxYearTime|0 0 0#--#--#--|!
  309 | |soilMoistMaxAll|0.0#--#--#--|!
  310 | |soilMoistMaxAllTime|0 0 0#--#--#--|!
  311 | 
  312 | |soilMoistMinToday|1000.0#100.0#1000.0#1000.0|!
  313 | 
  314 | |leafTempAct|-- --|!
  315 | |leafWetAct| 0# 0|!
  316 | |leafWetMaxToday|-100#-100|!
  317 | |leafWetMinToday|100#100|!
  318 | |-------------------------------------- trends 16.2
  319 | |trendsMinutes|0 5 10 15 20 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 |!
  320 | |tempArray|16.1°C#16.2#13.7#13.7#13.6#13.2#12.8#12.3#12.2#12.1#11.7#11.6 |!
  321 | |windArray|0.0 m/s#0.0#5.1#4.6#4.6#4.6#4.6#4.6#4.1#3.6#3.1#2.6 |!
  322 | |gustArray|0.0 m/s#0.0#4.1#7.7#2.6#5.7#9.8#7.7#5.1#5.1#5.1#5.7 |!
  323 | |wdirArray|NNE# N #WSW# W # W #WSW# W #WSW# W #WSW#WSW# W  |!
  324 | |humiArray|86#86#75#77#78#81#83#85#86#86#87#88 |!
  325 | |baroArray|1017.5 hPa#1018.1#1014.9#1014.7#1014.8#1014.6#1014.4#1014.5#1014.4#1014.3#1014.2#1014.1 |!
  326 | |rainArray|  0.2 mm#0.2#0.2#0.2#0.2#0.2#0.2#0.2#0.2#0.2#0.2#0.2 |!
  327 | |solarArray|0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0 |!
  328 | |uvArray|0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0 |!

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